Friday, October 26, 2007

Bridal Session

I had my first bridal session a few weeks ago (just getting around to posting them now). It went so good, of course it helped to have a beautiful bride...thanks Hillary! I'll be photographing her wedding to Dan in June of 08', so stay tuned for those photos. Here are a few of my favorites from the bridal session.

I've been tagged!

I've been tagged by fellow photographer Amber. Check out her blog

Now I need to tell you 8 things about myself that you didn't know. Ok, here it goes...

1. I am totally addicted to sweets, I could eat them all day!!!

2. I am a United States Marine!!! I got hurt, so I'm no longer active, but..."once a Marine, always a Marine"!

3. I love all things fall...pumpkins, leaves, fall cooking, the smells of fall....bring it on!!!

4. I'm actually not a huge Steeler fan, unlike everyone else in Pittsburgh! I prefer the Pens!!!!

5. I 've only been married a year.......does that mean we're still newlyweds? :)

6. I don't have a Myspace page, and I have no desire to get one!

7. In less then 6 weeks, I'll be the proud parent of a teenager, toddler and an infant....I think I've lost my mind!

8. I love to cook, well, when I have the time. My family comes to my house all the time for theme night stuff!

I'm so happy I was able to think of 8 things about myself, I didn't realize how hard that would be!